
TjW0569 t1_jebfpwu wrote

It'll go pretty fast with an electric sander. Use drywall sanding paper -- it looks like a screen with abrasive on it, so it doesn't load up.

Sand everything down more-or-less flat without going through the drywall paper or tape before applying more mud.

You're also going to need a much wider blade to do the tape. It looks like you have a four or five inch blade. You'll need a ten or twelve inch wide blade. Mix your mud a trifle thinner. It's easier to get right if you put on multiple thin coats, sanding flat in between.

The pros can do it in essentially one go, but that takes an amount of practice I don't have.

A real light orange peel texture will do a lot to conceal imperfections.


TjW0569 t1_jdvgfs0 wrote

Think of the dangers that batteries pose in aircraft today. Those with a memory may recall the Dreamliner fleet being grounded due to battery fires. Then think of how dangerous they can be with twice the energy in the same volume.
Batteries are like rocket engines, in that they are a chemical reaction that has its oxidizer built into it. Unlike automobiles, there's generally no convenient way to immediately pull over and get out.


TjW0569 t1_j6dg589 wrote

I don't see that at all. The diplomatic corps of the Western countries giving aid have been holding them to continuous progress on eliminating the corruption. If anything, the war gives them more incentive to remove corrupt officials. Losing Western support loses them the war, of course, but so does not removing corruption.