
TobusFire OP t1_jao0dm8 wrote

Interesting, thanks for sharing your thoughts! I'm a bit curious about why genetic algorithms might be better for these strange objective functions, as compared to something like simulated annealing. I can understand that a pure gradient method could easily be insufficient, but do the underlying components of genetic algorithms (like cross-over, etc.) really provide a distinct advantage here? Especially when the fitness is probably directly related to the gradient anyways


TobusFire OP t1_janzia9 wrote

Agreed. That being said, I think the prior is that you still need to have enough understanding of the state space to be able to design good mutations, cross-over, and fitness. This can easily add a lot of overhead. In contrast, I think that other cool methods like swarm optimization and ant colony optimization are also promising and in some ways simpler.


TobusFire OP t1_janyxnp wrote

> isn't RL agent-competitions approaches (i.e. simulating games between agents with different parameter values and iterating on this agents) a form of genetic algorithms?

Hmm, I hadn't thought about RL like that. I guess the signal from a reward function based on competition could be considered "fitness", and then perhaps some form of cross-over is done in the way we iterate on and update the agents. Interesting thought.


TobusFire OP t1_janxqya wrote

My thoughts too. Simulated annealing and similar strategies seem to intuitively be better is most cases where traditional gradient methods aren't applicable. I can imagine a handful of cases where genetic algorithms MIGHT be better, but even then I am not fully convinced and it just feels gimmicky.


TobusFire OP t1_jamcrd2 wrote

This is a reasonable question but I believe you are misunderstanding. The randomization of parameters in a neural network (I assume you are talking about initialization?) is certainly not the same as a mutation in a GA. Mutation occurs randomly, sure, but is selected for and crossed over, whereas hill-climbing and gradient descent simply move on the gradient and do not use either random mutations or cross-over so are not genetic.