
Tor451 t1_jaeedss wrote

Debunked now? Lol I expect experts who claim to represent science, like Fauci did, to have some type of scientific evidence to back up their changing guidelines. I expect them to be honest with us, to not say one thing publicly then another privately.

If he believed masks worked then he should tell us. If he wanted medical professionals to have them and was concerned about supply he should have done what my governor did, tell us to donate medical grade masks and use cloth masks.

Masks did not work. We know that now. We need a to accept where we were wrong and move on I was wrong about masks too. I was lied to and I was wrong because I believed those lies instead of fact checking Millions of people wore dirty masks because of a shortage , how many were harmed by that?
At work I am to change my filters every 8 hours. Those are the guidelines. Did they ever tell us to do that? Nope, they said "wear two instead"


Tor451 t1_jaeaj49 wrote

I am surprised people blindly trusted masking as being productive even after Fauci said not to trust masks then flip flopped on it, I am surprised people trusted masking without evidence of it working

It was counterproductive because people had a false sense of security when wearing masks just for starters.

It's logically consistent so I have no idea what your issue is


Tor451 t1_jae6gqf wrote

Yup, he was calling the reaction of the Democrats a hoax. At the same time he was doing a million other things that showed he considered it an emergency. Trump is an idiot who speaks like an idiot. Twisting the stupid stuff he says is counterproductive. I don't care about it. There are so many things he did wrong that we don't need to make stuff up.