
Traditional_Fortune6 t1_iukabad wrote

In the grand scheme of life, three year friendships are common. I've had friends who I was sure would be friends forever, and they lasted four years. Also, you wouldn't be choosing him over them. They're shitty friends whether he's involved or not. It's just that right now you're at an impasse, and although he's involved, it's not because of him. It's because they are shitty friends. The breaking point was bound to come along at some point.


Traditional_Fortune6 t1_iuk9sy4 wrote

Reply to 38m 25f by Sherrbii_

I think it would be difficult to be in a relationship with this age difference. It's hard to have a basis for a healthy relationship here. When I was 25, I wouldn't have had anything at all in common with my 38 year old self. It's almost different worlds.


Traditional_Fortune6 t1_iuk8kbt wrote

Your friends sound catty, manipulating and controlling. They sound truly insufferable. Your boyfriend sounds like he got drunk and acted a fool, and this happens to the best of us. He's otherwise a decent dude. He probably wouldn't even have acted like that if your friends hadn't antagonized him, and they sound like they did that on purpose.

If I were you, I'd cut the friends loose and keep the boyfriend. I know you don't have other friends, but these girls aren't doing you any good to start with. They aren't supportive, they don't consider your feelings and they don't even hang out.


Traditional_Fortune6 t1_iuk6a2l wrote

It doesn't sound like you did anything at all to push him away. He did a 180 because he has commitment issues. You move forward by accepting this. While I know he's special, he also has some mental health issues that keep him from being a good partner.

It's not your fault. But it didn't work out.