
Trailmix88 t1_ixqjli8 wrote

More often it's catalytic converters being stolen but soft top jeeps will get knifed open. Keep nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, in the vehicle and leave the glove box open when it's parked. Give zero reason to suspect that knifing your soft top will yield a prize inside.


Trailmix88 t1_ixan8eu wrote

It's prob water and very, very likely only paid to restore the trench (no milling will be done in this case). Gas is usually a thinner trench (more shallow depth requirements) and sewer usually requires full width restoration. They will do cut backs and hope for temps above 50 to wrap it up before asphalt plants close for the season.

Anyone see any markings on the barrels as to who did the work? PCI? Nello? Meco? CCI?


Trailmix88 t1_ix91pdi wrote

The contractor only gets paid for the restoration of the trench that was excavated. Stone and concrete base in the trench. Then they will cut back for asphalt so the overlap happens at the layer where water infiltration is most likely to occur. Ends with tar sealant between old and new asphalt. However, I'll be shocked and amazed if this can get completed in 2022 without a letter allowing the contractor to not be liable for warranty of the asphalt. It is too cold for asphalt plants to be open.