
TranscendentPretzel t1_jbgayrb wrote

Property tax is worse, though because at least with income tax, you only pay tax on money you have. If you don't make any money, you don't pay taxes. With property tax, you have to keep paying even after your home is paid off, after retirement when you're on a fixed income, or if you lose your job and have no income, the state doesn't care. They will literally take your home that you spent your entire life paying off because you owe property taxes. If you can't tell, I have issues with property taxes. You never really own anything because of them. You're essentially renting from the state.


TranscendentPretzel t1_jbcki6q wrote

What is the point of owning a serval? I have 3 short-hair domestics. At no point have I ever wished they were bigger, wilder, less predictable, more aggressive, more likely to scratch/bite, fight, or send me or a houseguest to the ER. Is it just that they are rare and people feel cool owning them? Do they actually make good pets?


TranscendentPretzel t1_janvo3w wrote

I used a pressure canner and made agar dishes and sterilized my substrate. The agar dishes that I didn't inoculate stayed contam free, so I'm pretty certain it was the syringes. But I'm sure it depends on who prepares them. All the cleaning and sterilizing I did before actually doing the 5 minutes/day of work was what was overwhelming for me. To still get contam after that was just too demoralizing. I might try again sometime with commercially-prepared substrate/spawn.


TranscendentPretzel t1_jant4cq wrote

I tried this a couple of years ago. It was hard, especially since spore syringes and spore prints (the only legal way of acquiring mushroom DNA) tend to also be sources of contamination. If you are super depressed, starting a new hobby like this, which requires time, resources, and the ability to stick to a schedule is really difficult. After a few failures due to contamination I gave up. I have had one mushroom experience that did more to help me deal with trauma and CPTSD than any of the hours (and $$$) spent with mental health professionals and on many many anti-depressants. I'd really love to continue that work legally. It sucks that legislators voted against bills to legalize therapeutic psilocybin. While they take their sweet ass time getting comfortable with the idea of a controlled-substance as scientifically proven medicine, people continue to suffer and seek illegal ways to self-medicate, which is bullshit. Sorry about the rant.