
Treczoks t1_j8jvsaf wrote

> This is the wrong type of "absorbed and re-emitted". Photons are not completely absorbed and then re-emitted by a single atom, like you get when you cause fluorescence or something. See my longer explanation. So while you are correct to worry about random direction or energy in the case of classical particle absorption and re-emission, that's not what's happening.

That was exactly what I was wondering about. Thank you for the long explanation. So, basically, if a laser goes into the glass pane here it comes out there because this "there" is the most quantum-probably place, and the same with other parameters. Interesting approach, and it actually makes sense.

It is amazing to see the path that physics traverses through mathematics on the different layers. Basic algebra for laws of leverage, calculus when it comes to the relativistic stuff, and probability and information theory down below when things go quantum.


Treczoks t1_j8h82nx wrote

This makes me wonder. So if photons travel through a non-vaccum medium by being absorbed and re-emitted, how the heck does the information travel through that medium? Who tells the emitting atom to generate photons of exactly this frequency and polarisation in exactly that direction? How does it actually generate that frequency, e.g. the 432.1THz of a ruby laser when passing through a pane of glas? If one adds unspecific energy to the same piece of glass, i.e. melts it, it glows in yellow or white. Is there any way to make that glass emitting photons of a certain frequency except shining the right frequency into it?


Treczoks t1_iu3qhvx wrote

We had similar-sized events at about the same time. I provided some of the network cabling for our events, and we still have loads of coax ethernet cables, t-pieces, and terminators, all with yellow sleeves or painted yellow to make them stand out as "official stuff".

I remember one event over a long weekend in a sport and event hall, where a mis-configured power line provided 400 instead of 230V and killed a load of power supplies. Or the lines at the coffee maker: There was a long bench, and everyone queued their personal mug on that bench when coffee was out and/or in the process of being made. In a coffee machine that took one pack (500g) of ground coffee per run.


Treczoks t1_itv3cu5 wrote

"can't have" as in "A mass packed down to neutrons like a neutron star would expand and leave the neutron star phase if it dropped below the mass threshold"? My idea was that once it is packed down to neutrons, it will stay there, and not return to atoms with protons and electrons in the mix. So I thought that this could have happened just like with supernovas that shed an outer layer while the core keeps compressing.

I understand that from the plain mass aspect, you need more tha 1.4 sun masses to compress the nuclei+e soup down to neutrons. But in the end what you need is some energy to do his compression. It might come from mass, it might come from a solar collision, or, what I suggested, that the original mass was sufficiently critical to compress the core down to neutrons, but during this process something happened (radiation energy coming from the collaps of the core?) that blew the not-yet-converted-to-neutron outer parts away. Of course, this idea can only work if a neutron star will stay a neutron star once converted.


Treczoks t1_ittykpc wrote

Just a wild guess here, but just imagine the original star was bigger than 1.17 sun masses originally, started to compress, and has shed an outer shell of matter during the process while the remaining 0.77 sun masses kept compressing down after having passed a certain threshold.

And a neutron star is not a black hole, so something could leave it, reducing it's mass over time. I'd guess this would be a super slow process, but nobody mentioned how old this thing is, anyway.