
TreeEleben t1_jadbr44 wrote

Management would tell her to leave several hours early and walk to work. With these types of jobs there is zero tolerance for not working exactly as scheduled. If you punch in/out 30 seconds late, you will face consequences, up to termination.


TreeEleben t1_jacw7vp wrote

This is common in the retail and food service industry as well. I've seen numerous people fired due to weather causing buses to be late or not running at all, or because roads are blocked by snow or debris. These big corporations don't care if their employees live or die, and the employees they fire can be replaced almost immediately.


TreeEleben t1_j9z459l wrote

The requirements to apply vary by town because towns add in random requirements to deter applicants even though they're not allowed to. Go to your local PD and get an application, then you'll know what's next. Be patient, law says the application must be approved/denied within 8 weeks, but many towns take much longer, but some process them quite fast.

Study CT gun laws very thoroughly. They are numerous, confusing, and illogical, and it's very easy to accidentally violate one and lose your license and guns forever. Don't ever bring a gun into NY or mass.


TreeEleben t1_j9yslwp wrote

You'll need a car. Especially in the eastern side of CT. Payment/insurance/gas/maintenance will be a significant chunk of your monthly budget. I would suggest buying a cheaper used car in cash so you can avoid the monthly payments. Drive the beater for a while, save money towards a better vehicle down the road.


TreeEleben t1_j9yrvvr wrote

I grew up playing around those abandoned factories. Good times. One building had big piles of bronze ingots behind it. Tried to drag one home on my bike but it was too much weight for my old huffy.