
TrefoilHat t1_ix4rz13 wrote

Meta Quest 2 (I hate that name, it’ll always be Oculus Quest to me!) is really the best and only choice. Beat Saber, Thrill of the Fight (boxing), Pistol Whip (squats), and lots more will wear your ass out. People have lost 40+ pounds when combined with diet improvements…I think there’s a sub called vrfitness or something? (on mobile).

Hand tracking is 1:1 and super precise. Leg tracking isn’t there, but supposedly Supernatural will include knee lifts soon (subscription requires for that app though, to pay for trainers and music licensing).

I had Xbox One with Kinect for fitness, and this is miles better.


TrefoilHat t1_ivovx1j wrote

I have a cat that pees on stuff. It’s awful, can’t find a way to stop it. Cat pee reeks.

A mix of about 25% vinegar and 75% water is amazing. Wipe off any urine or grease, I’ll usually use a Clorox wipe. Then put the vinegar solution in a spray bottle and spray it on then let it dry. The vinegar seems to neutralize the uric acid and stops the smelling. When dry, it doesn’t smell like vinegar either.

Good luck.