
TrotskyTMBO83 t1_jbe588b wrote

The current GOP legislative body for New Hampshire is trying to be the South of the North. While we don't have groups like the klan or other far right white nationalist organizations. We have the Free Staters and the NH Libertarian party slowly chipping away personal rights and institutions that guarantee children of all education backgrounds a decent education and for families to make decent medical decisions for their children. Currently there are three towns that are heavily influenced by these groups at a local level above Concord and in North Country.


TrotskyTMBO83 t1_j3cg19w wrote

As someone who worked in Manchester here's what I can tell you:

Avoid Bridge Street, Valley Street, and the New Horizons Shelter sidewalks if you don't want to get held up by Junkies (Personal experience ). Another thing to avoid is Market Basket on Welfare day which can be a mad house with everyone on line with multiple shopping carts.

And whatever you do avoid the West Side After 7pm.