
TrueLegateDamar t1_iy5oiyt wrote

He did not want to kill her and play the game due to getting his father killed in the previous Hide & Seek game 30 years ago. And the butler couldn't kill her because the family has to do it.

The boy tried to *murder* Grace and shot her through the hand with a gun, how is he innocent if he has no trouble killing someone?


TrueLegateDamar t1_iy5fhw6 wrote

How the hell is Grace in the wrong for punching a kid who SHOT HER IN THE HAND AND WAS TRYING TO KILL HER?

And Grace survived due to her would-be killers being a bunch of incompetent rich people who never worked a day in their lives nor had to kill anyone in 30 years and don't know how to operate weapons.