
TrumpsBadHombres t1_jatfxm4 wrote

This story checks out - and I’ve got my own. I used to live right down the block next to the day care. The church owns those small garages on 2nd street. I was standing in front of my apartment talking to neighbors, and a car is backing out of one of those small garages. That car suddenly accelerates and backs into my neighbors car and actually damaged the bumper - required body work to repair. We stare at the driver in disbelief this happened right next to us and he stares at us right back. I ask him to lower his window because he’s just staring at us blankly. He’s so out of it and I feel like he’s on drugs at this point. We get in an argument because he’s dismissing what he has just done and trying to blame my neighbor. He starts threatening us that he will call the cops (???) and my response is “Okay thank you!” as my neighbor is calling the police. This driver suddenly walks away from the vehicle when he realizes we are actually calling the cops. I’m amped up and start following him. Low and behold he walks right to the church and into the building the priests live. He’s in there for 5 minutes, comes back out suddenly and walks back to the car. He drives the car into the garage, gets out, leaves garage door open, and then runs away.

Im convinced he had something on him he had to go drop off before police arrived. I’ve got photo proof and even the church confirmed that was their PRIEST!

Edit: forgot to mention he ran away before the police arrived! Priest ran away from scene of his crime! Unbelievable!!


TrumpsBadHombres t1_iv55qr8 wrote

Two weeks ago a guy stabbed a dude in Stella’s for trying to do the right thing. Don’t underestimate how crazy somebody can be. Can you fight? Can you defend yourself? Why bother? Just move and avoid a confrontation. Nothing about that is being a coward, it’s just street smart.


TrumpsBadHombres t1_iu6oswf wrote

I make gasoline, and I make A LOT of it. All gasoline starts it’s life as the same thing - RBOB. RBOB is a commodity and every refinery makes RBOB blends to the federal set specifications. What makes Exxon different from Shell is that when they buy the RBOB, they mix in their own lubricants and extras that they believe makes their final blend superior. This is what you are paying for. When you buy from a sketchy looking brand, they may be buying RBOB straight and adding nothing to it. This is NOT good for your engine. Save now and pay later (when your engine fails).