
Tumble85 OP t1_iyrcv47 wrote

(This is the friend with the landlord issue)

Yea I do feel bad about having to break the lease like this, although honestly he kinda brought this on himself, if he hadn't lied to me about the door code (I had a second gig where I digitized records but they have strict delivery rules where they have to be delivered to me or a locked door in the building I live, and when he showed me the building I told him that and asked about the code lock and he said it just needed a new battery, then after I moved in he said the code couldn't be given to delivery people because it is a security risk) I would have money for him. I may still be able to come up with it but at this point I actually kind of want to get some official people involved because of how he threatened me. It wasn't just a few idle threats he was in the hallway screaming at me calling me names and saying that he was going to beat the shit out of me and have people do the same.

> which is why it’s good to look himself if possible and find a replacement

I honestly would not feel comfortable knowingly putting someone into contact with this guy.


Tumble85 OP t1_iyqx13k wrote

(This is the friend, I was trying to use a throwaway but they.arent allowed to have their posts show up here)

Yea I just want to be out of here, I feel bad I have to break my lease and that I am unable to pay (though again, when he showed me the apartment I told him I had another gig digitizing stuff and that they have strict delivery requirements where boxes have to be left with me or behind a locked door in my building, and when I asked if the door code lock works he said he just had to change the battery. Then after I'd moved in he said giving the code to delivery people is a security risk. If he hadn't lied and I could do that job this would not be happening.)

I would normally be using my time to figure this out with him but he's acted so terribly and told so many lies and been so stressful to deal with that I am starting to feel like I would be more comfortable with some legal help.


Tumble85 OP t1_iyqwdi0 wrote

(I am posting this for my friend, he was trying to use a throwaway account so as not to identify himself but new account posts don't show up here)

Hi I am the friend, thank you so much for the post. This apartment is in a pretty crappy area so I doubt anyone will take it over. The lease is/was 1 year but it also hasn't been followed exactly -- he tried to get me to pay 200 extra per month by sneaking a + $200 into the lease (and i honestly have no idea how he thought that would work because... I write the checks) because I said I would only pay 1st and security due to the area being crappy but we figured something out.

But anyways, a while ago I used my savings to help my folks out and they'll either pay me back when they sell the house or figure something else out. They are going through a tough time on multiple fronts right now so I don't think I can ask them just this moment and they won't be around until later anyways.

And I know legally he can't throw me out I just have no idea what to do if he tries or something, it's very stressful to hear it especially when life is dumping on me. Like he's always been very stressful to deal with (I think he is a compulsive liar) and I get why he is pissed but he went straight to threats before I could even finish talking.

Who is L&I by the way? Edit - oh, license and inspection. Do you know how long it takes them to show up?


Tumble85 t1_iyjz57v wrote

Reply to comment by Fattom23 in problems with FedEx by wheresdyldo

The worst is signature required stuff. Delivery people basically just see them as "unable to deliver" and the package will either go back or to a spot to get picked up. Or they'll just deliver it however they feel like.