
TunturiTiger t1_je9640y wrote

Can I stop paying taxes too if I don't want to? Who cares about the long term consequences for the rest of society as a whole, right? After all, my own ego is the highest authority there is, and absolutely NO ONE has any right to hold any expectations to my behavior or decisions...


TunturiTiger t1_ja9vnvt wrote

So if I happen to get wealthy one way or another, I'll automatically become an adversary? Class war is just a way to turn the society against itself so the real elites can benefit. Divide and rule you know. Most rich people have nothing to do with media ownership, let alone of the huge internet platforms or biggest media outlets abroad that are the arbiter of what content other smaller media outlets propagate.


TunturiTiger t1_ja9vaeg wrote

>Separating the rich from the bankers

Why wouldn't you separate people like Usain Bolt or Al Pacino from the likes of Jeff Bezos, Saudi royal family or George Soros?

>is like saying it's not the republicans or democrats, it's the politicians.

Because it is?


TunturiTiger t1_ja41oyr wrote

Most rich people are just lucky or smart enough to benefit from the skewed system, and not in control. The banking system and its gatekeepers, and the ultra rich, are in control.

The concept of class warfare is just a ploy to give the poor a scapegoat out of the rich, and turn them against each other as adversaries.


TunturiTiger t1_iszo84g wrote

Well, I'm arguing that everything will go to shit and there's not much hope for the future. And trends like these are a prime examples of it. I mean sure, the money lenders, the world of finance, the big mega-corporations, the handful of people who directly serve them will surely be thrilled. And the politicians who will get a nice bonus for their efforts to drive their cause.

The real problem here is the inevitable technological progress and accumulation of knowledge, that will never stop. It's a Pandora's box that already has posed immense potential dangers to humanity. People becoming obsolete is just one of them. I for one don't want people obsolete, stupid, dependent and manipulated beings stuck on a prison planet controlled by a skewed debt driven economic system and the sick machinery it developed out of itself.


TunturiTiger t1_iszdaj7 wrote

No we don't. We need a world where machines don't make people obsolete in their own societies just so big businesses and profiteers can accumulate even more wealth. Some pathetic UBI is no alternative to having a job and actually making your own living. It's only a way to make a permanent slave class that relies on government handouts to survive, while the upper echelons of society live in even higher abundance and afford to buy more assets to make even more profit. It's those guys who will buy the homes which they will rent to the slave class, instead of you. It's them who will own property, and not you. It's them who will lobby the politicians and build the world to their liking, not you. You are nothing else but a worthless liability that is kept content and politically passive by handing out bread and circuses (and probably antidepressants as well).

UBI will just mean another costly wealth transfer scheme from public funds to the consumer, while the corporations and banks can cut their losses even further by not having to pay wages. From public funds to the consumer, so he can pay the rent of his tiny apartment, sending the money to the elites that own the property.

This is not a good trajectory. This is an outright dystopian trajectory. Governments have to work on even tighter budgets, people have no independence and have to live on handouts, and the ones having all the wealth will continue buying the world bit by bit, manipulating the people and lobbying the government to further their own goals.
