
Turnbob73 t1_j5vovkb wrote

While that movie is overall wild, the little ambush that happens to some of the main characters towards the end (when they’re entering the valley that has the caves) is always hilarious to me. Something about the silence and timing when they’re hiding behind a bush, and then a rock just soars into the frame and clocks one of them in the head lmao.


Turnbob73 t1_iqy4lxu wrote

Thrifty is an understatement

My uncle is Dutch, he and my aunt drove up to my cousins wedding while everyone else flew, but that’s not why I say that. I say that because he bought a little Caesar’s hot & ready down the street from his house and nibbled on that thing for the whole weekend (including his 2-day drive) just so he didn’t have to spend money out at dinner…

Also, he’s not even poor, he owns two houses and has plenty of money.