
TurretLauncher t1_jdxlolu wrote

> An asphalt manufacturing plant—which breaks down used product, and makes 1,500 to 2,000 tons of new hot mix asphalt for paving and construction contractors daily—found itself in the middle of new housing developments, as a nearby town grew into the previously uninhabited vicinity around the facility. Being proactive, the plant knew it needed to mitigate its odorous releases, or else they would end up as a popular target for complaints online and at town hall meetings.
> Initially, the plant tried using masking chemical products, but it found these agents did not adequately hide the asphalt processing smells, and the coverups made the problem worse in some cases. A lab then analyzed a sample to determine the most effective product for the unique odor combination.
> Using GC-MS and a human nose panel, the team determined an additive blend made to reduce hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, styrene and general hydrocarbons in asphalt neutralized the offending odors of the unique asphalt blend. The plant now adds about one gallon of this formulation to each of its 6,000-gallon hot mix tankers, and remains in the good graces of its neighbors.


> A hot mix asphalt plant located in a rural area of North Carolina has a community of neighbors living approximately a quarter mile away. They began complaining about strong odors from the plant.
> The plant typically has several trucks a day arriving at the plant to offload liquid asphalt, with a volume that fluctuates depending on workload. The general amount of liquid asphalt is 6,000 gallons per truck, pumping into two 10,000-gallon tanks and one 20,000-gallon tank. In addition, a 16,000-gallon fuel tank accepts reprocessed motor oil #4.
> The asphalt plant, already keen on being a “proactive good neighbor,” addressed these odor issues by contacting us. With over 25 years of neutralizing odors in the asphalt industry, OMI Industries has experience in addressing the complex odor issues in the market.
> OMI responded quickly, and after an initial phone conference to establish the details of the problem, one of the company’s field sales engineers visited the facility. We recommended Ecosorb® additives, mixed directly into the asphalt. Ecosorb asphalt additives were successful in eliminating the odors from the facility by reducing hydrocarbon emissions during production and transport of hot mix asphalt.
> OMI’s additive injection equipment automates the process of feeding Ecosorb products into liquid AC or waste oil received at an asphalt plant. In this case, the customer chose to manually add the Ecosorb asphalt additive as the liquid AC and waste oil are offloaded on-site. This facility is using Ecosorb 206A at a feed rate of 0.7 gallons per 25 ton load of liquid AC. For the fuel oil, a feed rate of 1.5 gallons of Ecosorb 206A per 25 ton load is used.



TurretLauncher OP t1_jdr04jn wrote

Any battery inside an EV and crucial for its operation is, by definition, an EV battery.

As you correctly point out, ICE vehicles can also charge their 12V batteries using the same system.

> Advance Auto Parts, a leading automotive aftermarket parts retailer, today announced the introduction of DieHard EV with xEV by Clarios, becoming the first auto parts retailer to sell 12-volt batteries designed specifically for hybrid and electric vehicles. Advance continues to drive innovation and expand its robust parts assortment with DieHard EV, which is the latest offering of its tens-of-thousands of hybrid and electric vehicle parts already available. DieHard EV is available exclusively at Advance stores, participating Carquest stores and advanceautoparts.com. Advance also provides free battery testing and installation of DieHard EV and other batteries at its retail locations.
> DieHard EV batteries are an advanced, low-voltage technology designed to provide superior reliability, durability and safety for all hybrid and electric vehicles, which place more demand on their low-voltage batteries. To address this, DieHard EV batteries offer 30 percent more cycling vs. standard AGM batteries and provides stable performance from day one through end of life. Additionally, their robust construction helps assure critical safety functions like brakes, steering and lighting remain operational during an emergency.



TurretLauncher OP t1_jdqqpmd wrote

As previously explained,

> You can't start an EV (i.e., make it run) or operate an EV (all the 100+ ECUs - Electronic Control Units - run only on 12V current) without 12V battery power..

The 12V battery inside an EV is indeed an EV battery, and charging it is by definition EV charging.


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdq3uys wrote

The original comment referenced “additional benefits” available with parking canopies beyond what a typical solar installation provides: shelter from weather, and EV charging at remote locations.

You falsely alleged that EV charging would require “a bunch of [additional] infrastructure” beyond the parking canopies themselves, and I proved that you were wrong.

As to your arrogance and inability to comprehend, those are your own personal problems for you to work on.


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdpfea5 wrote

The $10 charge controllers are all that is specifically needed for the EV application. Other applications (e.g., powering nearby buildings) will need different additional infrastructure (“additional” meaning in addition to the canopies themselves).


TurretLauncher t1_jdox9mm wrote

The legal principle known as the "Rule of Lenity" holds that "Ambiguity in a statute defining a crime or imposing a penalty should be resolved in favor of the defendant." And "The Whole Act Rule" holds that "The text [of the statute] should be construed as a whole." Selectively excerpting from the statute isn't allowed.


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdokn9w wrote

Tanks are shaped in certain ways precisely in order to ensure a water surface which permits sufficient interactions with the atmosphere, enabling oxygen and CO2 exchanges etc. If you seal off the tank, this can no longer happen. Death would actually be the expected result of doing that.


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdoiizh wrote

I'm an aquarist (55g) myself. Adding younger, hungrier fish, or suffering micro-organism invasions, or chemistry fluctuations, can all cause the effects you describe.

The question is not whether changes in solar energy have effects, but rather whether or not these effects will be adapted to such that the lake remains healthy.

This is precisely what this multi-year (2020 – 2023) UCF / US DoE study across four existing floating photovoltaic system installations within three Köppean climate regions is currently documenting: "Harmful algae growth, a nutrient pollutant, is a costly nuisance for water bodies. It clogs pumps, blocks filters, and produces odors. It is also linked to severe illness and death in animals and humans. Floating solar systems may significantly reduce light exposure and lower water temperatures, thereby minimizing algae growth."


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdo4h00 wrote

> According to the proposal, Glenvale Solar is working with local experts to ensure the project meets the highest standards of stormwater management and minimizes impacts to natural resources. The project team is also consulting with the N.H. Fish and Game Department to conduct a wildlife habitat assessment of the proposed site.
> Glenvale Solar chose the proposed project site through an extensive review of its characteristics — its proximity to two transmission corridors, minimal visual impact, low to moderate sloping terrain and no known presence of threatened species—that are compatible with solar development, the proposal states.
> Locals currently use the proposed sites for hiking, biking and snowmobiling, and they have been used in the past for timber harvesting. Jackson said Glenvale Solar will coordinate with the community to minimize any disruptions.
> “We would like to minimize our impact to this network by maintaining connectivity or, if that is unavoidable, working with the community to understand where other trails could be improved or created,” Jackson said.


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdnybld wrote

You do realize that Keene Meadow Solar is to be built on private property which you and others have absolutely no legal right to use, recreationally or otherwise, do you not?

> The Keene Meadow Solar Station will be located on privately owned properties


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdnwntv wrote

The Greater Goose Pond Forest, to the west of Old Gilsum Road and Keene Meadow Solar, and the very large forest to the north of both Goose Pond and Keene Meadow Solar, provide abundant space for hiking and recreation.

You can contact the company to volunteer your acreage here.


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdnnbfk wrote

> FUD stands for “fear, uncertainty, and doubt.” It’s a communication tactic used to influence people towards having a negative perception of something, generally through deliberate misinformation or inciting fear. Historically, FUD has also been used to mean “fear, uncertainty, and disinformation,” which has essentially the same meaning as its current iteration.


TurretLauncher OP t1_jdmubpd wrote

> wood burning

  • Burning wood releases more CO2 than gas, oil and even coal for the same amount of heat

  • Danish and Australian research highlights that home wood burning also produces methane. This is a powerful global heating gas and further skews the balance away from climate neutrality.

  • The biggest health threat from wood smoke comes from fine particles (also called particulate matter). They are small enough to enter the lungs where they can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or other serious respiratory diseases. Fine particles can also aggravate chronic heart and lung diseases and are linked to premature deaths in people with these chronic conditions.

  • Domestic wood burning is now the single largest contributor to fine particle pollution in the UK. These particles can increase the risk of cancer and heart disease. The 8% of homes that do burn wood or coal have become one of the largest sources of particle pollution in the UK, greater than the exhaust from traffic.