
TwitterTapeParade t1_j49itjs wrote

Yeah, Wolf kept increasing the gas tax, and absorbed some of the massive savings Trump gave us with his energy policies. I haven't seen gas that cheap since the early 90's. I saw $1.29 in PA. Would have been under $1.00 if Wolf didn't increase the tax on us. The reality should be extremely obvious to us now. The Democrats are enslaving us all. They want to keep us down and keep us fighting among ourselves to distract us from their theft of our wealth.


TwitterTapeParade t1_j35n7k1 wrote

Try doing what these illegal trespassers are doing in any other country...we have laws, and our representatives should not be breaking them to import indentured servants for their corporate donors. What Biden and his administration is doing is "illegal" and they should be held liable for this disaster.


TwitterTapeParade t1_j2wat79 wrote

You are using that word wrong. nihilists are people that believe in no moral truths and that defines those of no faith. Those who believe in evolution, natural selection, and that children should be taught to think they can be any gender they want with puberty blockers and life destroying surgeries. That is the new Democrat party.
