
TychaBrahe t1_j29hevp wrote

To expand on this, Aristotle believed that all matter was made up of a mix of four different elements: fire, air, water, and earth; in that order. Things wanted to return to their natural place.

The Sun was above the air of the sky because fire was naturally above air. If you created a fire here on Earth, one of the effects was that sparks would rise, and this was seen as the element fire naturally seeking its place above the air.

Rain was element water that got above element air, and wanted to be beneath it. That's why rain fell. Your average objects, like a rock or a piece of metal, would fall because they were made of element earth. Thus they were naturally attracted to earth, and if they find themselves unsupported in element air, they will naturally fall.


TychaBrahe t1_ix979sg wrote

I just watched your video last week! It was fascinating and beautiful.

Can citizens, especially non-Texans, exert any pressure to help you in your goals to strengthen the breeding population? Your film discusses several things that could be done, but none have been, after years of watching the population decline.