
Type1paleobetic t1_jb1wiqa wrote

If they call back state employees, we have several in our office that are on the cusp of retiring. Many of them have said if they are called back, they would just sign their papers. Of an office of 35, there is at least 4 that have said they wouldn’t come back. They may not seem like much but our office is already short 3 workers and our caseloads are very heavy as it is. To get approval to fill those positions, have the staff trained, and carrying a full case load would take over a year. I am hoping they really consider teleworking as not only are the wages part of the retention problem, but so is the teleworking option.


Type1paleobetic t1_j87h6nd wrote

Able Bodies Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs). For SNAP, if you have no children, you have to do work searches or other employment and training activities unless you have an approved exception. They are a pain in the ass but it is essentially making people do something to get them job ready or work in general to be self sufficient.


Type1paleobetic t1_j87cg8l wrote

Absolutely correct. Before COVID, the rumor was that ABAWDs were coming back for SNAP because our UC % was so low; the state talked about furloughing some of UC examiners (and they hadn’t hired any in awhile)…well then COVID happened and and all hell broke loose…they were working OT and then some, coupled with a severely outdated UC system. Then they “upgraded” the system, and they are still behind. I feel for the UC workers.