
TypographySnob t1_j0tixvv wrote

My criticism was on point and for some reason you got mad on behalf of OP and became defensive over absolutely nothing. I see you have nothing to say about my idea now that I've explained what could be improved. Try not taking everything as an attack and maybe take some time off the internet, as it seems even completely innocent comments come off as trolls to you, mr. crypto bro.


TypographySnob t1_j0t4dx7 wrote

Well sorry for assuming others would also be able to spot how it could be improved without me explaining it. Don't have to be a dick about it.

It could be improved moving each pair closer together so it's easier to identify that they're grouped at a glance. I see no reason to go in to Illustrator and spend 10 minutes remaking the design for you from scratch to demonstrate what it would look like because you can probably visualize it yourself.


TypographySnob t1_iv4accu wrote

"Hallucinations of a slab of silicon" perhaps, but could there be value derived from such a fake conversation? Maybe this site demonstrates that a fake conversation could potentially have more credibility than a conversation between two "real voices".

Edit: After listening to the two fantasizing about repopulating the earth together, I sort of take that back.