
TyroneLeinster t1_j7muhhj wrote

The thing is, that would have been a bad deal for Germany. They don’t acquire all the resources they wanted, they have this powerful land army with nobody to use it against, and they’re letting their strongest enemy recover. Waging a war of annihilation was likely the correct strategic move on Hitler’s part, he just couldn’t get it done


TyroneLeinster t1_j7mtyu2 wrote

I have wondered if Hitler had been able to anticipate the power of atomic weapons, if he would have waged the war differently. The German bomb program was missing resources but had plenty of brain power. There’s easily an alt history where they prioritize maintaining just enough peace to work on that unencumbered, and then the Cold War takes place with Germany rather than USSR as the main nemesis to the west


TyroneLeinster t1_j7msj97 wrote

Japan’s land army was no match for the Soviets. Even being stretched thin in the west, it likely wouldn’t have taken much commitment to severely limit japan’s gains in the East.

I suspect it’s quite likely that as Japan decimated its own resources trying to invade Russia, Roosevelt would have eventually found a casus belli and started a war in the pacific on his own terms. The fear of this exact thing is why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in the first place.


TyroneLeinster t1_j7mrdh4 wrote

The USSR and the West were essentially racing to partition the axis. If either one had made peace it would have assured the other achieved total regional (and therefore probably global) dominance. So even if Germany had offered some kind of deal in say 1944, like restoring the French government and making peace with the non-Soviet allies, that would have just allowed Stalin to control the fate of Europe. Also, it would have risked Hitler staying in power should the Soviets also waver.


TyroneLeinster t1_j7brnml wrote

Are you sure? Babies tend to look around at random, at people, or at the ceiling if laying down. This sounds like it is referring to parents deliberately making their baby consume television