
Tyrotoxism44 t1_je48nwy wrote

I once attended a class where a medical marijuana pharmacist spoke. He worked for dispensaries and “prescribed” the medical marijuana to the people that came in. He had the doctorate degree to go with the title.

He was adamantly against a per se limit like alcohol. He agreed that it should not be zero tolerance like we currently have, but also believed that THC affected people more then the per se limits of alcohol. A daily user could have an incredibly high dosage of THC in their system and not be impaired and someone who uses THC for the first time could be very messed up off one puff.

He took the route of proving impairment which more research needs to be done on. There are officers that have some testing in drug recognition, but more scientific research could be done.

It was interesting hearing his point of view as an expert and someone who was obviously very pro medical marijuana.


Tyrotoxism44 t1_jcl3qqp wrote


Tyrotoxism44 t1_j6fz5tg wrote

I work in law enforcement and am very familiar with DUI case law. You are correct. Refusing breath can still put you in the highest tier, but blood will not. If you refuse a search warrant for blood, then the grading does get bumped up again.

Here is a good grading chart that appears to be up to date: https://www.mcandrewslegal.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/dui-penalties-in-2022-version-2.jpeg