
UB40Paco t1_j0tlftj wrote

The creature has some sort of device which will allow them to give you an artificial form with the same characteristics as theirs so that you can pass for one of its people. They also say that this will make it easier for you to meet other aliens at the party. You have no choice but to agree. The alien gives you some clothes and equipment. It tells you how to use the machine and what kind of shape you need to be in when you enter it. You put on your new outfit and go into the machine. A few minutes later, you come out in the alien's body. You are amazed by how well it fits! You look like yourself but taller and thinner than before. The hair color and texture is not quite right but you don't care about that. Your skin tone is much darker than before too. Now that you're ready, you take the device from your pocket and use it to change back to your human self. That feels strange--you haven't done that since you were a child. But now you fit perfectly into your old clothes again. "Is everything all right?" says the alien. "We really wanted to have you here tonight." "I'm fine," you reply. "How did you know I would be able to do this?" The alien smiles. "That's a secret between us. Now let's go!" He picks up his box and stands up. We need to get ready for the dance." "Where is it? What is it?" you ask, excitedly. The alien looks down at you. "It's across the galaxy... or so we've been told. Come along!" As you walk through the ship, you stare around in wonderment. Everything seems different than before; the colors are brighter, the lights are more intense. "Wow..." you breathe. "Yes, isn't it wonderful?" asks the alien. "You'll never see anything like it anywhere else in the universe." He takes you to a huge room with a circular platform in the middle. It was filled with hundreds of alien species from across the galaxy. There were creatures with wings, tentacles, claws, fur, scales, shells, fins, and webbed feet. Some looked very similar to humans and others seemed completely alien. Even though they all had the same basic body plan, each one was unique and beautiful in its own way. The alien leads you onto the platform and sits down on your left. Then he holds out his hand and introduces you to some of the other aliens. Many of them seem shy and nervous at first, but after several minutes, they become comfortable and begin to talk freely. One of them explains that in order to be freed you must win the dance competition. If you do, you will receive the key to an elevator that will lead down into the planet's core. Once you reach the center, you can activate the device that will release the prisoners. "Sounds easy enough," you reply. Another alien laughs. "No, it's not! Whoever wins gets a prize. In addition, the winner is given control over the entire planet and everyone who lives there. For a brief time, at least." "What if you lose?" you ask. "Then you stay imprisoned forever," answers another. A third alien shakes his head sadly. "If you win, you are expected to help the planet and its people for several years afterward. And you must do it willingly. The winner may not be forced to do anything against his or her will." "So if I lose, you think they might force me to do something?" you ask. "Not likely," replies the first alien. "But then, they could just kill you and use your body to control the planet. So it's possible. But if you're smart, you won't win."