
UConnUser92 t1_iuj0oeh wrote

With how large and varied NYC neighborhoods and boroughs are, I call BS on this statistic.

Across all 5 boroughs, there are 120,000 blocks

This "survey" looks at 6,900 of them, a whopping 5.75% /s

I tried looking at the map on the Department of Sanitation Website and it doesn't seem to make sense. For instance:

Click on the "Streets rated acceptably clean (%)" in the Related Indicators

Then click look at the the section that is directly adjacent to the Eastern side of Prospect Park (Brooklyn 09), it shows 76% and 309 streets rated as "Acceptably Clean."

Now go back up and click on "Streets rated filthy"

That same area is 3.6% and says 309 streets rated as "Filthy"


Something is weird here.


I would love to see a map of every street and block they surveyed, and out of those which ones were rated filthy and which ones were clean.