
UKNZ007Tubbs t1_jed9yi0 wrote

Yes sorry high chance your marriage is over.

First she needs to be sent for professional help - to determine if she is suffering from PPD.

If she’s not in a massive bout of PPD then she’s either cheated or is cheating, so next step is paternity testing (probably a good idea even if PPD to put your mind at rest)

Then marriage counselling - this is non negotiable, if she says no again, go straight for the divorce attorney.


UKNZ007Tubbs t1_j2f8rma wrote

Firstly your needs are both equally as important. And you are right that they needed to be discussed and a balance and compromise made.

You probably need to look at how to do more around the home, even if you don’t think you do, or arranging for some help so your wife gets some more time to herself on top of the counselling and yoga. But you also need to have some time for yourself.

If she doesn’t want to discuss and come to a compromise, then tell her to get a job that pays what yours does, and that you will swap places, but you will be expecting her to put your wants as more important just as she does now.


UKNZ007Tubbs t1_j2f6v60 wrote

He has spoken to his friend.

I don’t think there is any way past this absolute breach of the trust in your relationship.

Try to get out ASAP, get yourself safe and cut him and all his friends out of your life.

And when you are safe, do not be afraid to tell his family what he did. They deserve to know what he did, and not his version of events that he will tell them.


UKNZ007Tubbs t1_j2dh711 wrote

You have 2 options

  1. You leave.

  2. You trust your GF.

From your post your GF hasn’t done anything to warrant any mistrust, in fact she seems to be doing everything perfectly. If she does do something to break the trust, then well option 1 is always there.

The only thing you really can do other than state again that you are uncomfortable with the situation, is to tell her that when he does something she doesn’t like, to not come to you to vent if she doesn’t want to hear ‘I told you so’ - yes this is petty, but you have told her, and while she has done everything right, and keeps telling him that she is in a relationship with you, he keeps trying. Sooner or later he is going to try something she doesn’t like.

Caveat to the ‘I told you so’ is if what he tries is assault, then you are in your GFs corner 100%. You do not say anything, do anything, or think anything that even hints that you are thinking about saying it.