
USSBigBooty t1_jeg1dtz wrote

LNI actually employs a number of angry crows. The key is to leave out berries, bread, a small tank of fish, and expensive red wines.

Maureen may have reported you (fuck you Maureen), but rest assured, the crows investigated and confirmed the report.


USSBigBooty t1_j5x4i4j wrote

Yeah, guys, do yourselves a favor, and go into the basement and inspect the joists. Was in a house weekend before last and I think five had serious rot, and three were completely eaten away by termites. Doing your own due diligence with a flashlight and your hands or a screwdriver can save you from even making it to the offer/inspection stage.


USSBigBooty t1_j2bzce5 wrote

Take it with a grain of salt but I dropped 50 bucks on one of those beck massager things, with the four rotating heated balls. Literally changed my life. All the knots, all the pressure, gone after a week. 10min a night. I still bust it out once every blue moon, but I cannot overstate how bad I used to be, grabbing my neck and feeling rock hard muscles from 8h of insane work stress, trying to massage it out manually. Now it's pretty chill. Just imagine going to bed and not having constant muscle pain.


USSBigBooty t1_ixto68c wrote

If anyone knows of a place like Crisp & Juicy in the Philly area, no joke I will do literally unspeakable things to you for a reference. Crisp & Juicy does flash baking chickens down in the DC area with spices packed under the skin at like 500F... It's like mainlining chicken power deliciousness. Let me know. Good luck OP.