
USS_Barack_Obama t1_je97q8c wrote

"I kill two dwarves in the morning, I kill two dwarves at night.

I kill two dwarves in the afternoon and then I feel alright.

I kill two dwarves in time of peace and two in time of war.

I kill two dwarves before I kill two dwarves and then I kill two more"

That's what I think of your best race.

Why did Blizzard remove that /joke anyway?


USS_Barack_Obama t1_je8xbxv wrote

Don't know about US history but, apparently, in Ancient Rome Marcus Crassus used to do this:

> Once a house caught fire, Crassus would send his slaves to fight the fire. Once they arrived at the house, they would only put out the fire if the owner of the house sold the building to Crassus. Crassus would then sell the house back to the original owner at a marked up price.