UVSky t1_j7z9kzv wrote

Was told how smart and talented I was all the time — while in the same breathe being told I wasn’t living up to it. I was frequently told by adults in my life to stop wasting my time on whatever kind of art I was doing, that I was wasting my talents and should be drawing/doing insert whatever they value art instead.

The damage that did to my confidence, sense of self, and the amount of anxiety i have over my every move now has significantly effected my ability to thrive and be happy even into my mid 30s. It’s ironic how the adults in my life’s obsession with me “meeting my potential” cause the opposite to happen, they crushed it instead.

We should just support kids in what they are doing and personal growth and stop holding them to our own personal standards. Thanks for making this kid feel accepted and seen. It was clearly very meaningful to them to have your support.