
UhtredaerweII t1_jedh2z7 wrote

The scuttlebutt back in the day was that they were taken by a satanic cult and sacrificed. There were witnesses who confessed to psychologists and it got leaked because stuff like that is enough to break psych/patient confidentiality. Only heard the parking garage thing years later. I heard it was disproved with imaging. I dunno. Pretty cold case.


UhtredaerweII t1_jctr6ax wrote

Used to have a friend who worked there. She said emphatically that I shouldn't eat there because of what she witnessed, which amounted to a whole lot of lazing stuff out that should stay cold and flies.


UhtredaerweII t1_j89f5hf wrote

Reply to Norovirus? by TurtleSoup58

I got it a while ago. Hoooo boy. Never been that sick, but got over it in 24 hours with liquids, painkillers, and rest.


UhtredaerweII t1_j6syinp wrote

Lots of people have to drive, even if they're not top shelf drivers, like the elderly. And I'd say too that it may matter what equipment you have to drive. We can't all have great winter weather cars or tires, we've got what we've got. I think if there are icy conditions and you're an impatient and highly skilled driver, maybe leave a bit earlier and have some humanity. Some drive slow not because they don't have the skills or the equipment, but because there are very careless drivers out there that seem to not know that ice is slippery or that inertia plays a role. I almost got killed by such a jack wagon and I was driving very responsibly. If it's icy, let's give everyone a break, even ourselves. These lectures about icy conditions are for pros and amateurs should stay home are out of touch.


UhtredaerweII t1_j4eo36r wrote

I know, right? Well, the bartender there worked at a nice bar before covid, was friends with the owner of the Thai place, and asked to do things his way. It's a damn respectable bar and he's a very good mixologist, but his real love is Scotch. He has 5 or so really solid options. Like scotch snob stuff. And he's knows whiskey. You can talk for hours with the guy. I loved that as much as the selection.


UhtredaerweII t1_j3tekn5 wrote

If you want something a bit quieter where you can talk and interact, Tabak Co has a really nice room aside from the bar where some of my friends go. It feels like your own little club, and the bartender is amazing at mixing cocktails. Good beer list too.


UhtredaerweII t1_j0ejsx4 wrote

Hey to all my gaming peeps in Springfield! Is there a Springfield role playing subreddit? There should be. I'm a very experienced DM but I'm too busy at the mo. But I'd love to keep in touch if I can free up some time next year. Been itching to start something. Besides that, I love sharing ideas, stories...