
Ulgeguug t1_j3bhg2q wrote

>Criminals are in prisons with HVAC, gyms, TV , 3 meals a day …

Except when they're in prisons without HVAC being subjected to heat, or being regularly subjected to extended solitary confinement, or beatings and other abuses, or put in deliberate danger including of sexual assault, or in the case of those that are abducted from other countries and deprived the dubious rights and protections granted prisoners and subjected to torture, either euphemized or not.

Like the idea that prisoners getting "3 meals" means it's not cruel simply because you're not literally starving them, even if that food is unfit for human consumption and is often unsafe for human consumption, is pretty callous.

I'm a big fan of the constitution, like, I have a favorite Federalist paper big fan, but in terms of how successful we've been at upholding it, either in letter or spirit, we are sorely lacking.


Ulgeguug t1_j3bdk1c wrote

I think you either don't understand the difference between "limited success" and "no success at all", or you do understand and you're responding in bad faith.


Ulgeguug t1_j39bezm wrote

While this is true, I think that humanity has developed quite a lot.

The idea, for instance, that you should publicly gruesomely execute people, while it still exists in places, has declined dramatically over the past couple centuries. It was only a few decades ago that firebombing civilian populations and burning entire cities alive was just one of those things you do in war.

There's a terrifying race going on between our advancement as human beings and our advancement in the capacity of barbarity.


Ulgeguug t1_j393vxa wrote

I think that there's a brutal impulse that is at odds with our moral aspirations, and certainly our desire to fit into a civilized society. I think that impulse tends to seek out outlets where it's socially acceptable to be brutal or fantasize about it. "Flaying another human being alive while starving rats eat the eyes out of their face is sick, evil, no one should ever fantasize about doing that to anyone EXCEPT Nazis child molesters terrorists rapists enslavers ooh yeah we should torture them mmmm torture the fuck out of them"

Like the deplorable people who exist in the world are used as an excusable outlet for repressed sadism and cruelty. It allows us to conflate those impulses with feelings of righteous vindication. Anyone who's watched the bad guy in a movie die a grisly death of humiliation and pain with any feeling of satisfaction understands this.


Ulgeguug t1_iuh1i4j wrote

>The East Asian country is facing aging population and a decline in childbirths because many young people are distancing themselves from marriage, and having children due to the lack of decent job opportunities, high home prices, and heavy private education fees. (...)

>Rapid aging and the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic also pushed up the number of deaths to a record high in August.