
UndercoverTrumper t1_j3n0fmi wrote

We were rebuilding from the Leinart + Kevin Kolb experiments at that point - somehow the stars aligned to have warner and fitz on the same team at the same time and kept them both healthy. we rebuilt for that one glorious season. that was it

but yeah all respect to the lions fans - you guys dont "rebuild" - you just kinda fester


UndercoverTrumper t1_j3n05w9 wrote

I mean without a doubt Buddy Ryan was the best AZ coach ever....but we went there with Wisenhunt who just so happened to luck out on Fitz and Warner somehow at the perfect time cause he was NOT a great coach


UndercoverTrumper t1_j1zwvkk wrote

Find a strip mall tailor (i.e. you are looking for cheap - usually around $10-20 per shirt) with good reviews and get any shirt you like.

I'm not skinny but i am tall. However, everything big and tall (i.e. 3x-4x) just looks way too wide on me. So I buy the 4x and take it to them, they pin me up and within a week i have a perfect set of shirts. Yeah it ends up costing a bit more but the outcome is much more comfortable and just looks cleaner.