
UnifiedQuantumField t1_jcztj2z wrote

>something like the sims where you live in a town/map/world with 80-100 other simulated people, using AI which gives them personalities and can have conversations with the player.

I was thinking along the lines of an advance in interface technology. But you seem to be thinking more about advances in software?

  • So in terms of rendering/visual realism, there are some pretty big jumps that are happening right now (e.g. Unreal Engine 5)

  • In terms of creativity (if that's the right word?) we're also seeing some pretty big jumps in text to image software. It's reasonable to expect text to video will be progressing rapidly over the next few years as well.

  • Gaming was a major driving force behind big advances on processing power. Also reasonable to think it can be a major driving force in the development of AI's... especially if the scenario you suggested becomes super popular.


UnifiedQuantumField t1_j6noag0 wrote

>In 2019, NASA patented a wing control system that combined both plasma and synthetic jet actuators, with the goal of creating actuators without any moving parts, and which were “essentially maintenance free.”

How about weight?

If there's no moving parts, the weight could be more, less or the same as the mechanisms that have been replaced.

But even if this system weighed the same, the increased reliability and maintenance free qualities ought to make their way to civilian aircraft design as well.


UnifiedQuantumField t1_j5lr1e4 wrote

>f they go on to prove their worth and make it into production, fluidic propulsion systems will lead to some of the most futuristic-looking aircraft ever built

This is the closest thing to a "Blade Runner flying car" that I've ever seen.

Make them so they can run on hydrogen. Then make them so that people can afford them. Like what Henry Ford did with the Model T.

But we'll call it the Model H


UnifiedQuantumField t1_j5bkmr1 wrote

>Orbiting the Black Hole at the Center of our Galaxy

A bit of speculation:

What if we accept the Dark Forest explanation for the Fermi Paradox?

In that case, a Black Hole might be viewed as evidence of a technologically advanced civilization. How so?

They find a way to bend light so that their space cannot be viewed by any external observer. And all EM signals (potentially) generated by such a civilization would be contained within the event horizon.

And we seem to find more/larger black holes near the centers of galaxies, where stellar density is higher... and the distances between stars is shorter (fractions of a single light year) Just the kind of place you might expect an interstellar civilization to develop first.


UnifiedQuantumField t1_j4q1wba wrote

>When objects made from the graphene-SiO2 composite structure are irradiated by a laser beam, gas molecules on their back side receive more energy and push the object toward the light source. Combining this with the low air pressure of a rarified gas environment allowed the researchers to obtain a laser pulling force strong enough to move macroscopic objects.

tldr; Sounds like this doesn't work in a vacuum. So no Star Trek type tractor beams (or impulse drives) yet.


UnifiedQuantumField t1_iuqvqtb wrote

> the core is 4000-6000 Deg C

This might be a bit of a side track but here goes anyways...

The currently accepted explanation for this temperature is "decay of radioactive elements within the mantle".

But I suspect that something else is going on. How so?

>The Earth's core radiates somewhere around 47TW into space

Is there really that much radioactive decay going on? Has anyone ever done any calculations to see how much decay of whatever elements would be needed to produce that much energy? Can the process of radioactive decay produce that high a temperature (roughly equal to the surface temp of the Sun)?