
UnitingAssassin t1_ja5umoj wrote

Rain. Rain. And more fucking rain.

That was the only thing that I could hear, it was the only thing I could see.

In the middle of a jungle, all I could see were trees and the sight of falling rain drops filled the grey skies.

The reason that I was here, was because my Commanding Officer deemed it important that I undergo a training program.

What he didn’t tell was that the instructor was a particularly dastardly and somewhat sadistic fuck. It has four straight days of tireless combat, tense waiting, and terrified watching of the shadows. If anything as small as a gnat budged, I was already looking and tracking its wings.

I stood now in the middle of a clearing, having only been given a sidearm, my basic training fatigues, and a blade that was mounted onto my wrist.

In the distance, I could hear the hollow laughter that vaguely resembled that of the Officer that sent me on this mission, meaning that my ‘Instructor’ had given them complete authorization of this training session and voice print to boot.

I turned my head and could see the silhouette of a towering figure with dreadlocks, hidden behind a mask that stared into my very soul before tapping a panel on their wrist and vanishing. . .

Giving a flick of my wrist, the blades hidden in the device would extend, tightening the grip on my pistol and taking a deep, calming breath.

“Alright. . . Let’s go!”

This wasn’t a training session, this was a damn Hunt.