
UnquestionabIe t1_j4xyv1f wrote

Amber wasn't really a complete story given how many major plot threads are left dangling at the end. If the author hadn't passed away he had plans to get back into it. And given how incredibly abrupt and anticlimactic the last scene is, coming off more like set up for the next arc, it's pretty disingenuous to pretend otherwise.


UnquestionabIe t1_ixvsffw wrote

I'm sorry you have such a difficult situation but want you to know that I find it very inspiring and wonderful that you're still motivated and do your best to keep working and looking to better your life. I have a coworker the same age as you whose situation is similar in some regards (nowhere near as abusive as I can tell) but he seems completely mentally checked out. His only concern in life seems to be to get high/drunk with his parents, it really depresses me and makes me feel bad for him but it's so difficult to engage him about something so personal. But hearing this story gives me some hope for him, that with any luck he still has some of the spark you seem to have in you.