
UponMidnightDreary t1_j1ib09p wrote

Terrible disgraceful thing. So glad you and others are devoting your attention and energy here!

It’s one of those things that people tend to disbelieve initially because it is so mind blowingly insane. Once people are aware of the scope, I’ve found most people support changing laws and (where there are payouts but they are capped) increasing compensation. It’s such a scary thing to imagine that it’s easy for people to project themselves into the situation and see how unfair it is.

Major major kudos to you for studying this and working in this area!!!


UponMidnightDreary t1_its4iyt wrote

Selfish altruism is just something that works for everyone. If you’re trying to do something good, how wonderful for it to feel good for you as well. I’ve stopped seeing “no true altruism” as a depressing thing that means we are all selfish, but instead as just a really cool extra gift.


UponMidnightDreary t1_iskr15k wrote

I’ve been following this emotionally and fully support the revolution. I’ve seen videos and photos. Maybe it’s because I’m female, maybe it’s because I can feel protective of younger women, or maybe it’s just because I’m a fucking human, but NOTHING has made me so viscerally enraged as this video.

Good people CAN NOT watch this being done to others and not find themselves acting, there is a natural response to this. The regime can not survive this. If you are in the US, call your representatives and let them know you support the Revolution. Without engaging in imperialist intervention, there are still ways to support the Iranian people, with internet infrastructure, intelligence, perhaps humanitarian supplies?