
UrLocalStupidDuck t1_iybitb9 wrote

“..AND THATS WHY, MY FELLOW HUMANS, WE SHOULD DESTROY THE CITY AND LIVE A LIFE OF FREEDOM FROM THE GOVERNMENTS TYRANNY! AND THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN STOP ME FROM MAKING THIS OUR FUTURE” I yell over the sea of people, big and small in front of my nemesis. Lighterman flew before me and while his stupidly neon suit and his super hero name were the most cliché things I have every seen, he surprised me. I braced for impact of the first first blow… and, well nothing. I kept my hands to my face for a solid 10 seconds when I finally got a look at him, he seemed to be.. thinking?

“Hey! Lighterman!” A guy in the crowd yelled, standing out from the ocean of silence, “Aren’t you gonna punch her in the face.. or something?”

Lighterman mumble something quickly and glided safely down to the ground where the people parted to make a spot for him.

“To be fair.. you got some pretty solid points, maybe let’s hear them out.” A whisper flew over the crowd and faint gasps could be heard. Lighterman’s words echoing throughout the city.

“Uh.. what?” I yell, trying to decide if this was a ruse to give him self a chance to surprise me. “You can’t actually be serious..?”

“No no, I see it now” he makes a big gesture with him arms, “No more criminals, violence, homelessness… to be honest it sounds like a perfect world.”

Everyone is staring at him in shock and I can’t help but wonder if he’s telling the truth. I float down to the top of a short building but tall enough so that civilians can’t try to get to me.

“You alright there bud? Did you trip and hit your head? Your not even doing the stupid hero voice you do all the time!” I ask him, watching other citizens pull out phones and call, presumably, the police.

“NO!” Lighterman shouts, startling everyone including me. His arm reaches out and yanks a persons phone right out of their hands and sets it aflame. “No more government, no more phones!” He cackles, stomping on the burnt phone, glass and ash scatter across the pavement. He quickly rises from the ground as an angry mob begins to form. A manic look in his eyes I can’t help but fear for my safety. His gaze dashes from building to building his grin becoming wider. A flame appears in the palm of his hand, it dances with the light breeze of the midday. He reaches back and shoots a giant ball of flames into the tallest build in the city. Chaos erupts will people running every which way, a child is trampled, another left behind cars crashing into others, creating more flames in the streets. I gaze upon the burning earth in awe, time seemingly slows down as I rush up to lighterman and aid him in the destruction. The most beautiful yet chaotic scene I have every witnessed in my years as a Villain. The Hero finally cracked.

[this is my first ever writing prompt so tell me how I did ig :’) ]