UrbanGhost114 t1_jconrzf wrote
Reply to comment by No_Demand7741 in Big tech companies are selling their Silicon Valley campuses amid struggle by McFatty7
You would put your plumbing, and electricity under your floor boards, without understanding why they don't do that now?
UrbanGhost114 t1_jconj8d wrote
Reply to comment by No_Demand7741 in Big tech companies are selling their Silicon Valley campuses amid struggle by McFatty7
Exactly! Water pressure is a gigantic issue.
Also, when your done with that, remind yourself why water and electricity don't go well together.
UrbanGhost114 t1_jconb9w wrote
Reply to comment by No_Demand7741 in Big tech companies are selling their Silicon Valley campuses amid struggle by McFatty7
Have fun with not understanding water pressure!
UrbanGhost114 t1_jcomsg4 wrote
Reply to comment by No_Demand7741 in Big tech companies are selling their Silicon Valley campuses amid struggle by McFatty7
Same reason you don't generally do it at home.
Edit: water pressure.
More edit:. There is a LOT of engineering that goes into water pressure.
UrbanGhost114 t1_jaz2fwm wrote
Reply to comment by lancelongstiff in Cosmic rays reveal measurements of a concealed corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza by marketrent
It's consistent enough to be measured.
UrbanGhost114 t1_j9x0blr wrote
Reply to comment by psychothumbs in After a Decade of Tracking Politicians’ Deleted Tweets, Politwoops Is No More by psychothumbs
Por que no las dos
Dot gif
UrbanGhost114 t1_j9cz0qi wrote
Reply to comment by NotFitToBeAParent in UK calls on IOC to maintain Olympic ban on Russian and Belarusian athletes by rejs7
We are in 6 according to the white house the last I checked.
UrbanGhost114 t1_j8v3nrs wrote
Reply to comment by Cranky0ldguy in ChatGPT is a robot con artist, and we’re suckers for trusting it by altmorty
There are a LOT of people that do not understand this, I'm being down voted to oblivion in another sub for pointing this out.
UrbanGhost114 t1_j8v21ks wrote
Reply to comment by anti-torque in ChatGPT is a robot con artist, and we’re suckers for trusting it by altmorty
Yet on another sub I'm being down voted for saying this.
UrbanGhost114 t1_j4ye5o8 wrote
I like this story, good for her, and good for USC.
UrbanGhost114 t1_j1wwgwm wrote
Reply to comment by FearlessCloud01 in The World’s Fastest Charging Phone Is On The Way, 240w! by redhatGizmo
This is unfortunately the (current) answer.
They cannot figure out a more commercially viable option. The tech is "better" now than it was, but nothing in terms of revolutionary change for small scale storage.
There's promising tech for large scale battery storage, which frees up some of the more rare resources for smaller batteries, but nothing really in the pipeline that I have seen. (Been at least paying attention to battery tech sence the 90's).
UrbanGhost114 t1_j1wvmx0 wrote
Reply to comment by nmarshall23 in This little-known firm with a weird website was central to the misappropriation of FTX customers' money, regulators say by RaiderOfZeHater
It keeps proving why it will always fail though, so there's that.
UrbanGhost114 t1_j0xeknq wrote
Reply to comment by mahabraja in TikTok bans hit more U.S. states; security firm says most access blocked globally by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
Twitter has been very useful for quick access to updates during a disaster.
UrbanGhost114 t1_j0wflf3 wrote
Reply to comment by LigerXT5 in Lawsuits suggest some video game cheating could be illegal by Zhukov-74
Never heard of it ...
UrbanGhost114 t1_izxb2bz wrote
Reply to comment by brodneys in Low-cost battery built with four times the capacity of lithium by BlitzOrion
I have been watching battery tech since the batteries dies on my game boy. This is always the story. Some crazy new tech is announced, and never heard from again, because it's not commercially viable compared to what we already have, or to get it to market to begin with.
Edit to add: This is not to say we shouldn't be researching this stuff, just saying to temper expectations.
UrbanGhost114 t1_iy9wfue wrote
Reply to comment by RG_Viza in Orion flies far beyond the Moon, returns an instantly iconic photo — "It’s really hard to articulate what the feeling is." by marketrent
Boiled down to "Light pollution".
UrbanGhost114 t1_iy9vxuo wrote
Reply to comment by MG5thAve in Orion flies far beyond the Moon, returns an instantly iconic photo — "It’s really hard to articulate what the feeling is." by marketrent
Light pollution, and how camera sensors work, and how exposure on cameras work.
Its gets very technical if you want to dive into it, but that's why.
He didn't really get that far out of the atmosphere for enough of the "light pollution" from earth, the moon, and the sun itself to no longer have an effect - this is the same effect but multiplied with cameras.
UrbanGhost114 t1_iy6sirs wrote
Reply to comment by GTAIVisbest in NY ends home liens, wage garnishments in medical-debt collection. What you should know. by General-Wishbone-214
That's just for what the insurance company deems worthy enough to be covered.
UrbanGhost114 t1_ixw8sfa wrote
Reply to comment by nereuszeer in The Internet Archive just put 565 Palm Pilot apps in your web browser by dapperlemon
OMFG this is the game!
I have NEVER been able to remember the name of this freaking game!
UrbanGhost114 t1_ixfw1mz wrote
Reply to comment by DKBDV in Associated Press reporter fired over erroneous story on Russian attack by Moynamama
Yes, that's my point, they (the editor), as well as the author, could have not ran a story that didn't abide by basic journalistic standards, the author also has a choice to submit the story.
Don't know why answering what they could have done got me down voted, but here we are.
UrbanGhost114 t1_ixfhkkq wrote
Reply to comment by Agent_Angelo_Pappas in Associated Press reporter fired over erroneous story on Russian attack by Moynamama
Abode by basic journalistic standards and not run a story that doesn't have 2 independent sourses.
UrbanGhost114 t1_iwiyq0d wrote
Reply to comment by IronGator in Apple will buy US-made chips from TSMC, confirms Tim Cook by Hrmbee
There it is
UrbanGhost114 t1_iw3zcgn wrote
Reply to comment by anonymous-twatbox in Indian government can spy on Indian internet users in real time by n1ght_w1ng08
UK and US have very similar surveillance laws, but GCHQ was pretty much founded on signals surveillance.
Decent launch pad for UK surveillance information.
UrbanGhost114 t1_iw3vlvi wrote
Reply to comment by nagonjin in Indian government can spy on Indian internet users in real time by n1ght_w1ng08
UK should always be in that list as well.
Don't know why people don't talk about surveillance in the UK anymore.
UrbanGhost114 t1_je40w25 wrote
Reply to comment by Kaschenko in U.S. renewable electricity surpassed coal in 2022 by altmorty
The logistics of moving fuel is massive, ongoing, and increasing.
Source:. Deliver fuel to gas stations.