
Uzzer_lozer19 t1_j136zw2 wrote

Yeah that's a way of looking at it although I'm nit sure why you're being down voted because of it but maybe there is something I missed from the book.

It's a common theme in most sci fi books and movies where outsiders fight against the social norm. Pop culture examples would be 'Demolition Man', 'The Surrogates', '1984', 'Logans Run' are all the same basic premise


Uzzer_lozer19 t1_j11j013 wrote

NOTE: Apologies for the terminology as its been a while since I read the book.

It's a valid point but I would go one step further and say there is no option or ability for people in Huxleys book to fit in anywhere other than the "norms" of what society has become.

If someone came off the drugs then they would be different and punished, if they decided not to have sex they would be different, if they decided to procreate without science they would be different.

The female lead in the book sees this difference when she meets the son when he is brought back from the wastelands. She begins to question the life she lives although we are lead to believe she already feels there is something missing or more to be had before this happens.