
VTCifer t1_iwroyhp wrote

>Civilian GPS has limited number of satellites they are authorized to connect to at a time. Military GPS can connect up to 24 satellites at a time for an accuracy better than 10cm with better response time. Still cool to see alternatives to DoD dependent technology.

Yeah, going to need a citation on that.

1- GPS receivers don't 'connect' to GPS satellites. The GPS satellites are (for the nature of receivers) broadcast only.

2- The US Air Force has only committed to keeping 24 satellites in total operational 95% of the time. There's actually only 31 actually flying satellites currently. No way you could receive signals from 77% of the satellites in orbit at the same time ~50% of them are going to be below the horizon at any given time, and they operate on line of sight. (?probably? slightly less than 50% due to curvature of the earth)