
VThillbilly t1_iycroi8 wrote

This is what the Dems want they want electricity to be extremely expensive to push out the working class they are slaves to this electric climate cult that has no real reason to exist except to destroy. I used to believe the hype myself till I started looking into things nuclear power has come along way it's not like it once was solar and wind can't sustain the population look at tx they are flat land wind mills all over I've been there solar all over and what happened when it got cold there and they needed power for heat and such it all crashed same in California. People need to wake up stop believing all the propaganda you see on TV and the newspaper do your own research listen to other sides then just one.


VThillbilly t1_iycr2c5 wrote

To many regulations by your corrupt government we need more new and sate of the art nuclear power plants. Wind and solar can only do so much also doesn't help when most the solar fields in my area send the power to Massachusetts does Massachusetts send solar power to VT ? VT used to be a great state with a great and honest name the Democrats from other surrounding states have ruined VT and they just use VT like a slave this is rediculous we need less democrats in Montpelier from the gov all the way down.


VThillbilly t1_ivtm2oz wrote

Quite frankly I'm still wondering why anyone could in good conscience could be a democrat? Republicans are Not good ether but no where near as batshit crazy as democrats. Scott is mainly a Democrat he really should just switch sides. I think that is why he gets elected he's a yes man but has just a sliver of decency and will not go along with some of the more outrageous crap Dems come up with. I think they let him win so it will keep the real people in the country pacified cause he's got a R but he also keeps the city folk pacified cause he's mainly a dem.


VThillbilly t1_ivopwui wrote

Wow so many people happy to see it in a constitution to kill babies that's actually a pretty sad thing I'm not pro ether side kinda in the middle you know heartbeats and such. I didn't agree with one side saying none at all and I definitely didn't agree with the side that says up to and even after birth. But it is what it is. Just sad to see so many people happy about it. We got to get back to a common ground where thing can be talked out both sides are way to extreme we will lose our republic if things keep going this way. I know most of you will shit on me but I really don't care and won't read any replies. Good day to you all
