
Vales066 t1_jefz7dd wrote

No, it’s the LGBT ‘movement’ constantly makin fools of themselves and then throwin tantrums and blamin everyone else. I have gay friends and lesbian parents, all of which are fed up with the stupidity of other members of LGBT. A lot of it boils down to the feminism problem too. What was initially a good thing started for fairness has become a power hungry insatiable desire for superiority and everyone else be damned. Fact is, we ain’t all equal. Total equality is simply unachievable. What we can and should strive for though is total justness. The right to coexist and the responsibility to take accountability for one’s own actions without blaming others.

We don’t have a problem with the people part of LGBT. We have a problem with the idiots claiming to support LGBT while in actuality just tryin to put down everyone else.


Vales066 t1_jefxks4 wrote

Lookit you, realizing you fucked up and desperately tryin to backtrack so nobody claims you’re just as prejudiced as the people you’re tryin to mock. You clearly don’t understand the “Women ☕️” either. It ain’t about posting under every little mistake a female makes, it’s chained when females say or do stupid shit and act like it’s someone else’s fault, usually blaming men. And I’m sayin that as someone who doesn’t even participate in it because the only thing I give a shit about is the truth. And the truth here is; you’re a misandrist.