
Valyrian_Tinfoil t1_j3kmhmd wrote

This video logically defeats itself and forego’s the entire narrative of the Bible that they’re mocking for the sake of repeating the phrase “finely tuned”.

“The universe and most of the planet can’t support life.” then proceeds to show a plant growing out of a crack in the sidewalk…

Also, the vid is called Atheism Comedy, but it had zero humor in it lmao—mockery is just insulting if it’s not funny, not matter how “intellectual” you think the veneer of said mocking is.


Valyrian_Tinfoil t1_j3a4dev wrote

Idgaf. And I do actually take pride in saying what I feel in a time where doing so is so repressed.

I truly feel that it is stupid to use ‘are’ for nouns that are a collective.

So go ahead and insult America, makes you no different than the rest of the world we’re protecting.
