
Various_Character_45 t1_it2q0ow wrote

I cant promise I'm any good, but this seems fun

It had been a fun few years since I'd realized I was a shapeshifter, but that wasn't important, because I had a problem.

I had been doing my thing, running around as a dog, this time as a corgi, since they were adorable, when this girl, couldn't be more than 13, just walked over to me and said "aw your so adorable!" Without another word she went to pet me, and I was about to snap at her, but stopped 'whats the worst that could happen?' So one thing led to another, and she took me back to her house.

After begging her mom to let me stay a while, I found myself waddling up the steps to her room, and there I ended up staying for a few years. It's not like I had anything better to do, I didn't have a house or anything, so I figured, 'whatever, this'll be fine they eventually figured out I refused to eat dog food, and started giving me some meat for my meals, most of the time raw, but eh, could be worse.

I had been living in that home for 3 years since then, and I had tried to make my exit a while ago several times, pondering whether I should just run away, reveal myself, or some third option that refused to present itself to me, but never got past the planning phase, that was, until she was left alone with him.

Her parents had gone on a trip, and was expressly told no boys over, but of course being a teenager, brought her boyfriend over. I have no idea what she saw in him, he looked creepy, and I got a feeling something wasn't right with him, so I decided I would remain firmly by her side until he left.

It had been a few hours, and he went into the kitchen to grab a snack or something, at least that's what he said, but I knew better, I saw him grab the knife from the knife block, and got ready.

He suddenly ran into the living room, and before I could do anything, delivered a swift kick to my side. Pain surged through me, but I had to get up, he was almost to her, she had barely noticed and was only beginning to scream, everything felt like it was in slow motion, and I knew what I needed to do.

I jumped up on him, and shifter for the first time in 3 years, into a giant pit bull, and began scratching at him.

I barked "no time to explain! Grab the knife from him!" Of course, it took her a second to process that her little corgi had turned into a pit bull and started talking to her, but eventually she figured it out and ran to us, and grabbed the knife from him

"Good, now call the police!" I shifted back into a human form, I cant remember exactly what I looked like, so I just made a generic human male.

After holding him down a while as we waited for the cops, I said "I'm sure you have some questions..."

"Yea-" I delivered a swift kick to the jerk I had pinned down.

"Wasn't talking to you. God it feels good to talk again." My voice was gravelly after years of disuse, but that didn't matter.

"What are you?" She asked politely yet shakily from the couch she sat at, the one farthest away from us both

"Well, that's a hard one, for the past three years I've been a corgi, before that I was anything I wanted to be, and now here we are. To put it bluntly though, im a shapeshifter, it was hard to figure out how it works, but now I can be basically anything." To prove my point I melted into a grey blob, still securely holding the attacker, then morphed back. "I believe the police are here, so I must take my leave." I gave the attacker a quick punch to the head and knocked him cold. "Hopefully they send him to an insane asylum, but you can't tell anyone, ok?"

She quietly whispered "ok..." then exclaimed "wait! Will I see you again?"

I was already at the back door "maybe, we'll see." And with that, morphed into a crow and flew away.

Please let me know how I did, I don't think I'm very good, but we'll see