
Vegetable_Alarm1552 t1_j6lgpza wrote

Would be helpful to know how much you have saved. With that said, don’t borrow against the 401k. You’re only $6k in debt.

Don’t listen to the “baby industrial complex”. You don’t need anything other than a bassinet for your child. They sleep 16 hours a day and eat/drink food you produce. They live in the bassinet or your arms for at least 3 months. Then maybe they need a mat to lump around on and do tummy time. That covers 6 months. You’ll need diapers; maybe formula. You’ll need a car seat. Graco 4 in 1 is good until the kid goes to college. Get a stroller. Going on walks is free, good exercise and good for bonding as a family.

They’ll make you think you need way more than you do. Live simply!