
VenomB t1_jdwrmko wrote

>Literally everybody should be 'complaining' right now.

About what?

Because my comment is specifically about people complaining that these people are out of a job with 0 support available, which is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with your feelings or any one else's. Instead of actually looking into the choices they have to move forward, people would rather just complain that there are none while there are. That's the only thing I'm talking about.

So sure, complain. Just don't sound like a moron while ya do it.


VenomB t1_jckgaze wrote

>On the whole, the system is taxpayer and student-subsidized entertainment in what should be an educational system.

I was just bitching to my buddy about this yesterday. What the FUCK is the point of college? What do these sports have to do with it?

Its all because instead of college football being a fun time and something to do, it became corporatized and tied in with professional football. College hasn't been about higher learning for a long time now.


VenomB t1_jckfstu wrote

But they had a hiring freeze in place. Through that hiring freeze, all of the academics made their jobs "high priority," which allowed them to hire through the freeze. And on top of that, they have 40+ executive level positions currently available.


Its a mess all around.


VenomB t1_jckfj4j wrote

I have 3 buddies who work at PSU. One is in HR and the other two are programmers in different departments. They all complain of the same things. The entire university is mismanaged, bloated, and being sucked dry by the people who refuse to accept that people working at a public university shouldn't be making millions.

Make millions in sports, make millions in tuition, ask for millions from alumni who paid tuition, then they go and build stupid-ass buildings that are art projects that end up costing more to maintain than the cost to build the stupid thing.

All 3 of them have been playing with the idea of jumping ship.


VenomB t1_izkvrab wrote

I'll be honest, my first thought was "we have a flag?"

I mean, I get it. State flags and all, I just never even gave it thought. Without a picture, I couldn't tell you what it looks like, and unless its incredibly obvious, I probably wouldn't be able to pick it out of a line up.

So take that for what ya will.


VenomB t1_iqw369g wrote

When you submit your ballot at the machine, its at the point of counting and should have no time or chance for other people to even touch it until its counted.

When you submit your ballot via mail, that ballot enters the mail system and follows a procedure that involves other people with access to manipulation or removal. Its really not that damn hard to figure out.

What path does the ballot take? If it isn't directly to a point where nobody but the submitter touches it, then its already insecure. That's how security works.


VenomB t1_iqvyb04 wrote

I'll never understand how people can't figure out how security holes work. It doesn't matter if it is abused or not, the fact remains that the procedure is insecure and there are far too many hands touching everything.

Mail-in is insecure, its fact. Compared to putting your vote down and submitting your ballot at the voting site yourself, its just a huge open hole security-wise. Calling it the honor system is perfect because it relies on assuming nobody would break the law or try to cheat. That's now how it should work. Nobody should even be able to. Otherwise, its just not secure.
