
VeterinarianRich5986 t1_j28qv5j wrote

I haven’t seen Shen Yun, but the Falun Gong have become a darling of conservative America with their “pro-religion, anti-communist” stance. It’s most obvious in NYC that Falun Gong members are a larger part of the community in Flushing than in Manhattan Chinatown. In the former, not only do you see Shen Yun more heavily advertised, but the political ads ahead of the 2022 midterm election were overwhelmingly in favor of Lee Zeldin, whereas Manhattan Chinatown was much more in favor of Hochul.


VeterinarianRich5986 t1_iy90hmz wrote

Reply to comment by trimtab28 in Dating in Boston by Winter_Technology_66

Huh, that’s interesting. I felt that if you’re NOT a (white) biotech professional who went to Harvard, then you’re SOL with dating in Boston.

I went on maybe 3-4 first dates a year in Boston. I had an easier time in nyc even during the pandemic and actually managed to land a long-term relationship here.


VeterinarianRich5986 t1_ixvcjy5 wrote

I’ve lived in 5 US states over the course of my life, and Boston was where I had by far the most difficulty dating. I think the issue is that generally the number of single men outnumbered the number of single women. It felt like at least 5 other guys were competing for every woman I was remotely interested in dating.

I moved to NYC and I had a much better experience.


VeterinarianRich5986 t1_ixdm9ns wrote

People holding the door open in New York is extremely annoying, but it never got to the levels it did in Boston. My main memory riding the T every day for 2.5 years is sitting at a station, doors close, only to open again because someone cannot comprehend “stand clear of the closing doors.” And at night it was often drunk college students holding doors open to let their friend on.