
VictoryObvious6612 t1_j4y7zzx wrote

Kind of proves my point. AI art programs are good at making pretty renders. It's on par with calendar art. They aren't doing anything with any kind of message or thematic depth and almost certainly never will. You can get away with that in visual media, but not if you're trying to write a whole fucking novel.


VictoryObvious6612 t1_j4pacux wrote

Computing power isn't the barrier.

The barrier is that really good writing relies on experiences and emotions. I don't doubt an algorithm could churn out a passable Hardy Boys mystery by 2050. A procedural that sticks to a basic template with basic characters and no themes to speak of.

But an AI writing something along the lines of Blood Meridian, I am quite confident saying this will literally never happen. Not unless we get fully sentient robots like Data from Star Trek.
