
Vill13rs t1_je2gf7y wrote

I've worked in 2 natural/organic grocery stores over the span of 3+ years that emphasized supplement sales and I can confidently say that a solid 85-90% of it is all snake oil. Vitamins, minerals, protein powders, CDB oils, those are fine.

But when you have people asking you for shit like horny goat weed to help with their sexual dysfunction, you know they're easily scammed and unregulated supplement companies bank on that. Worst offender by far is the company Terry Naturally. Go out of their way to claim their products cure cancer and shit. Which does go against what are called DSHEA laws, the only thing really protecting consumers from being conned by statements like that, but they're so hard to enforce on employees in smaller stores. So the cycle continues and people think dropping a stack on whatever newest all natural, organic health craze are all the poorer for it.

But that's just my soapbox moment.