
VirtualTitan t1_iwvcits wrote

"I get that he's the child of prophesy, destined to do... something crazy... but like, do we HAVE to just let that little punk ransack our house? Couldn't we just... lock the door or something?"


"Oh don't tell me it doesn't bother you too. The twerps like 3 feet tall and carries around that silly little toy sword. Why can't we just tell him to screw off when he just barges in?"

"Jerry... You can't be serious."

"Why not? "



"Alright. FINE! Next time the herio comes to town, YOU lock the door and tell him to screw off. I'd love to see it. "

"Don't be like that."

"No! Don't tell me how to be. Everytime the hero comes to town you shut up and stay quiet just like the rest of us. But the moment he leaves, THE MOMENT, you start treating everyone else like idiots for not telling the boy who single handedly KILLED AN EVIL WIZARD to... what was it? Screw off..."

"You don't actually believe that nonsense do you?"

"Oh my gods."

"The kid doesn't even wear armor! I can't even picture him killing the giant rats downstairs much less an evil wizard."

"Jerry, I honestly and truly hate you."

"For speaking the truth? If the king himself came to the village and started stealing everyone's valuables we'd be storming the castle that same day. Why do we let that stupid brat get away with it?"

"Please shut up."

"No I will not. It's about time someone put that little punk in his place. The next time shows his face around here I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."

"Oh for the love of... please do. Please for the love of the gods tell the 10 year old who can pick up a boulder the size of our house everything you just said. Let's see how that goes."

"I will.

"Yeah ok."

"I'm dead serious. The next time that stupid toddler comes through that door I-"


"Oh shit."

"Freaking perfect."


Rustle rustle... creak... YAAAAAH SMASH



"Shut up"

CRASH Rustle rustle Hey listen


"...What were you say-"

"I said shut up! Not now!"


SMASH Da-ding Da-ding

"H-hey... th-that's my... ehem... uhhh.... n-n-nevermind."


Creeeeak BANG


"...Hey Jerry."


"I never want to hear you complain about the hero again."

"... yeah... that's fair."