
WRose287 t1_j6ovtps wrote

This would be unacceptable imo.

He chose his friend getting laid over you, your feelings and your comfort. He chose to lie FOR HOURS and maybe more (because they agreed to meet a group of "hot girls").

Also, his friend doesn't seem to have problems getting laid since that is what caused the end of his relationship.

For all you know his friend could be lying too, he is a known liar and cheater. And your bf sees nothing wrong with it and followed his lead in lying, who's to say he didn't do the same with cheating? Why would you believe his friend or him?


WRose287 t1_j2alt7m wrote

I am just going to put this here, but you are in the situation so you know best.

I knew a girl in college who was constantly at the doctor for her vagina/vulva, it was red and inflamed a lot of times and she was very confused and concerned. She even thought she could be being sexual assaulted in her sleep by the person sleeping in her dorm room. It was so bad and irritated. She went to several gynecologists, no one had answers, it just appeared to have scratches and be inflamed. She went to a sleep specialist because of her anxiety (nothing related to the vulva/vagina stuff) and she slept in a controlled environment for a few days. They found out she masturbated in her sleep. She always had long nails and that's what was causing it to always be red and inflamed. She got her sleeping meds, cut her nails and from the meds alone it appeared to help this.

I've also heard of a guy who did this too but in his ahole. Some people do masturbate when they sleep. But, again, you saw it happening you know it best.

Have a serious talk with her if you think she is just lying. This is affecting your mental health and there is nothing to be ashamed about, maybe even talk about masturbating in front of each other as foreplay if you are into it. But explain that you don't find it weird or off-putting, you even find it healthy and sexy. But the lying is getting to you and that is unacceptable.


WRose287 t1_iuill8e wrote

You need to ask your wife if SHE is comfortable with this.

Personally, I wouldn't be. Especially since it's a case of "I don't have this at home and want to have it outside". To me, I would only do it after talking to my wife and asking how to resolve this any other way and ask if she would be comfortable with this.